1.英语作文 对油价税费改革的不同看法



4.求教英语高手 中英文摘要翻译

英语作文 对油价税费改革的不同看法


Oil tax reform

January 1 refined oil prices since the implementation of tax reform, oil prices did not increase, but the various sectors of the reform program has been mixed. Embody the oil tax reform and more and more tax, reform of taxes and fees for oil prices after the implementation of the impact, we think it is more reasonable oil prices, the additional fuel tax and the abolition of the maintenance fee was basically the same, the cost of keeping a car impact Great.

Reform program has given full consideration to the interests of all parties, especially the countries from January 1 to lower gas prices ahead of schedule to implement, but also highlights the principle of giving benefits to the people. The oil tax reform reflects the "multi-fuel, multi-tax; less fuel and less tax," the principle of a fair tax burden will be beneficial to society as a whole energy-sing awareness of emission reduction.

Transport enterprises of "worries" under the current situation in the finished oil tax reform, a more reasonable timing. Passenger motor vehicle industry, refined oil tax reform is a good thing. Oil tax reform before the introduction of No. 0 diesel price to 6.03 yuan a liter, but also to pay road maintenance fees and other costs. But tax and fee reform, road maintenance, passenger surcharge, transported tube is not only not he to pay fees, and oil prices also dropped to 4.88 yuan per liter. Which is not difficult to see, enterprise burden indeed a substantial margin.

However, due to uncertainty over oil prices, road transport enterprises to implement tax reform finished oil prices he the potential concerns, and that is changing oil prices. If the current 4.88 yuan per liter for diesel prices to adapt to the international oil price of 47 U.S. dollars a barrel standard, then, if international oil prices rose to 94 U.S. dollars, domestic oil prices if it will be doubled? If so, the pressure of the passenger business is unbearable.

In addition, the implementation of tax and fee reform, the secondary road charges will be withdrawn in an orderly manner, but "orderly withdrawal" is how a concept or make it difficult to understand. On the current situation in the province, highway fees or very common, many secondary roads toll stations he not yet withdrawn.





1-5 BCCBA 6-10 CBAAC 11-15 CACCB 16—20 CBABB 21-25 ADBDA 26—30 CBCCC 31-35 DBABC 36—40 CDBCA 41-45 ACDBD 46—50 BACDB 51-55 ACDBA 56-60 ADCAB 6l一65 CBDCA 66—70 BBDAD 71—75 CBDAB 76.being---be 77.1ies---lay 78.such---so 79.came后加to 80.photo---photos 81.去掉were 82.anywhere---everywhere 83.第二个the改为a 84.正确85.1ittle—few

One possible version:

A Student Volunteer

Li Hua, an excellent student in Class 5 Senior 2 of our school,spent his whole holiday in a village primary school teaching the students of Grade 3 Chinese,maths and English as well.Li Hua worked all the day because there were few teachers there.Since the students had no English textbooks,LiHua just taught them some basic knowledge.The living conditions there were very terrible.For example,they had to walk about 2 kilometers to fetch water using a bucket.Much

to his relief,the students there are dying to learn.

Now Li Hua,who would like to be a teacher in the future,is determined to study harder.He suggests we do what we Call to help students in remote places.



21.A。根据答语she stayed athome可知,空白处应该表示原因,故选A。答语句意:因为她感觉不舒服,所以就呆在家。

22.D。句意:世界所有国家都应携起手来应对气候变化.因为这是人类面临的最大挑战。join hands联手。

23.B。句意:因为约翰·史密斯熟悉这个多山的国家,所以让他担任我们的向导。on account of因为……。in spite of尽管;regardless of不管;instead of代替。

24.D。代词one可以用来替代前面提到过的名词.以避免重复。如果它替代的名词是复数,则用ones。本题中它代替refrigerators:因特指.故用the ones。



27.B。set an example to给……树立榜样。句意’:为了给其他人树立榜样,经理每天很早就到了办公室。

28.C。句意:不允许那个小孩去独自钓鱼,因为太危险了。forbid sb.to do sth.禁止某人做某事。




32.B。考查强调句式It was…t11at…。被强调部分为I saw aJl the facts。句意:直到我看到所有的事实我才相信他说的话是真的。



35.C。句意:上周当问到油价什么时候会降下来时.那位发言人说“无可奉告”。ask与the spokesman之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故选C。





38.B。从本空前的industrial和本空后的smelly推断:处在工业区附近的这条小河已经被彻底污染了(polluted),文章最后一段的polluted fiver也是提示。



41.A。从下文he still missed it可推知,他捞不住这条项链。miss本意为“错过”,在此意为“未得到,未捞到”。


娟.D。捞不到这条项链,就得不到奖赏,自然他很沮丧 (depressed)。


45.D。从下文情节可推知,他并没有捞到这条项链,故选failed。 。

46.B。一位老人经过(passing by) 这里。

47.A。从下文的promised he would not tell anyone about it可推知,他不想与别人分享(share,)这个秘密。







54.B。此处实际是it is ture的省略说法,意思是“确实,真的,的确”。







58.C。细节理解题。从最后一段中when we say eventually,we mean 24 hours later可知。从产生灵感到研制出Triplex(三层安全玻璃或夹层玻璃),爱德华只用了一天的时间。故选C项。





61.C。推理判断题。根据第三段中The Charter Oak Chapter,the state’s largest,received more than 4,000 hurricane-related calls and all of its training classes are full可知.Charter Oak红十字分会的培训课程都已报满,由此可推知它的课程很受欢迎。

62.B。纽节理解题。根据第四段Mark Royce was so touched by television news accounts of Katrina’s victims that he considered loading his pickup truck with water and driving to Louisiana可知,Royce的最初是为遭受飓风袭击的地区送水。

63.D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中Before leing, volunteers must go through a background check and be certified by a doctor as being in good health可知.出发前志愿者必须接受体检,身体健康的方能出发。





66.B。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段but city officials used to fight gardensthattook up public property,or just ignore them可以推知,以前官员们对社区菜园持不赞成的态度。

67.B。细节理解题。根据最后一段The main cost to the city is the water provided to the volunteer gardens可知,城市对社区菜园最大的支出就是供水。



68.D。细节理解题。从第一段的But telling them how important academic performance is to their future and providing specific strategies to study and learn might increase the grades可知,给孩子灌输教育的重要性更加有利于他们学习成绩的提高。故选D项。

69.A。细节理解题。根据第四段的At this age,s are starting to set goals,beliefs and motivations and use these to make decisions可知,在这个阶段,青少年们倾向于自己思考做决定。故选A项。

70.D。推理判断题。结合最后一段的So offering subject advice about what to focus on helps these students plan their long-term goals可推知,Nancy E.Hill认为要给孩子们提供学习上的建议,告诉他们应该把注意力放到哪儿。故选D项。




72.B。猜测词义题。从划线词后面一句话shows that we can send messages even when we seem to be sound asleep以及下文讲的所发生的事情可推知.sleepwalker指的是梦游者。

73.D。细节理解题根据第三段中she is deeply concemed about what other regrettable things she might be capable of doingwhile sleepwalking可知D项正确。




Before we start, let's talk a bit about collocations. Collocations are groups of words that are commonly used together. Native speakers are so used to using them, they know what sounds "right" and what sounds "wrong."


For example, in English the phrase "go online" is a natural way to refer to using the internet. But it wouldn't be natural to say something like "proceed online" or "trel online", even though "proceed" and "trel" are other ways to express “go.” You’ll hear lots of collocations related to office life in today's dialog. Listen out for them and we'll explain what they mean and how to use them in the debrief. 比如,英语中的短语上网,就是使用网络的意思,甚至用前进和旅游来表达这个意思。在今天的播客中,你将听到很多和办公生活有关的搭配。仔细听,我们将会解释它们的意思以及如何在听取报告的时候使用它。

Now, on to the role of an administrative assistant. The job title of "administrative assistant", or "admin assistant" for short, can cover quite a broad range of responsibilities. Admin assistants typically spend a lot of time handling data—whether it's timesheets recording the working hours of other employees, or rosters used for scheduling meeting rooms. Much of what they do involves making sure that other employees are working as efficiently as possible. 现在,来谈谈一个行政助理的职责。通常他们要花很长时间处理数据,不论是日程表记录,雇员的工作时间,还是会议地点安排的执勤人员表。这些很多都牵涉到确认是否有效地工作。

In this episode we'll talk with Christina, who works as an admin assistant in the human resources department of an auto parts manufacturer. Christina's going to tell us about some of the responsibilities of her position. 在这节播客中,我们将和克里斯蒂娜交谈,她是汽车配件生产商的人事部的行政助理。克里斯蒂娜将会告诉我们有关她职责的细节。

Collocations are a challenge for anyone learning English. There aren't any specific rules to follow. You just he to listen for what sounds right. Still, they're essential for English communication and important to keep in mind when you learn new vocabulary—don't just think about the new word, think about what other words it might be used with. We'll point out some useful collocations related to daily office work as we go through this lesson. 词语搭配对于英语学习者来说是一个挑战。没有严格的条款去依循。你必须去听听起来是对的。并且,当你学 学了新的词汇,不要只是觉得他们是新的词汇,要想到其他的一些可能会用到的其他词语,而搭配对于记住这些新的词至关重 要。

Administrative assistants are important to any business organization. For example, they make sure data is handled responsibly and records are maintained properly. It might seem like they work in the background, but their jobs are critical to the smooth running of a company. 行政助理对于任何商业组织都很重要。比如,他们要确保 数据正确,记录好公司正常运行的数据。

In the last episode we met Christina, the Head Administrative Assistant in the Human Resources department at LaFarge Automotive. In an interview, Christina told us about some of her usual job duties. Today, she'll talk about why her work is so important to the company. 上一集中,我们了解了克里斯蒂娜,在拉法基汽车公司人事部门的 总的行政助理。在这个访谈中,克里斯蒂娜告诉了我们她的日常工作。今天,她将要谈论她的工作对于整个公司的重要性。

求教英语高手 中英文摘要翻译

In 2008, the year on the international oil price has experienced the culmination of the past five years and the lowest. Sinopec performance in this dramatic fluctuations in the climax after another is risky. Which revealed a lot of China's petrochemical enterprises in the face of fluctuations in international oil prices immature at the time of the facts. The impact of oil prices on the national economy has a special transmission mechanism. In general, the first oil shock will he a national impact on the petrochemical industry, and then transfer to other industries. The petrochemical industry is China's basic industries, with infiltration of a wide range of characteristics wide spread. Petrochemical industry, therefore the degree of impact will determine the extent of the impact of the national economy. Sinopec is an integrated upstream and downstream energy and chemical companies in China's national economy has an important strategic position. It is because of China Petrochemical has a special status, research and analysis in the oil price impact on China's economy and other issues, the study of oil price impact on China's Sinopec has become very necessary. In this paper, economics, statistical theory and methods, through the time series analysis, correlation analysis of econometric models as the basis of variable oil prices, the 2006-2008 three-year period, Sinopec's operating results he been compared and analyzed. Sinopec to explore oil on the impact of business performance. Explore how changes in oil prices to China to oid the negative impact of the petrochemical. Improve the dynamic changes in the face of oil prices.

Key words: oil, Sinopec, results of operations, time-series prediction